If No, did you earn a GED ?
Year of Graduation / GED*
If over 24 years of age, do you still live at home
Household Income
Have you been convicted of a Felony/Misdemeanor Violation?
Have you ever been convicted of a DWI/OUI Violation
I certify that I have read and understood this document and all information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have supplied this information voluntarily.
By clicking submit below, I authorize NTI to request a credit report and conduct any investigation into my background it deems necessary, and I release NTI from any and all liability. By my signature below, I authorize NTI to obtain educational records from any and all schools, colleges and state education departments named by me herein. NTI has my permission to use in its advertising any school sponsored pictures in which my likeness appears as well as any testimonials or reviews, audio or video productions in which I participate. If my tuition balance is assigned to a collection agency for collection, I promise to pay collection costs associated with such actions. I understand that any false or misleading statements may be grounds for termination from the training program, at the discretion of school officials.